Module Reference
dustpy Package
is a package for simulating dust coagulation and disk evolution in protoplanetary disks.
The class for performing simulations is dustpy.Simulation
Furthermore DustPy
contains a simple package for plotting data dustpy.plot
and a package
that contains pre-defined standard functions dustpy.std
that can be used in the simulation.
contains some helper classes/functions that are used within the simulation.
is mainly written in Python
. Computation intensive calculations are written in Fortran
is using the simframe
package for setting up scientific simulations.
Reads dumpfile and returns |
Class for writing HDF5 output files. |
The main simulation class for running dust coagulation simulations. |
dustpy.constants Package
Package containing constants that are used in the simulations. All constants are in cgs units.
The constants are defined in dustpy/constants/constants.f90
so they can be used in
the Fortran
: Astronomical unitG
: Gravitational constantk_B
: Boltzmann constantm_p
: Proton massM_earth
: Mass of the EarthM_jup
: Mass of JupiterM_sun
: Mass of the Sunpi
: Ratio of circle’s circumference to diameterR_sun
: Radius of the sunsigma_H2
: Geometrical cross-section of H2 moleculesigma_sb
: Stephan-Boltzmann constantyear
: Year in secondsdustpy.plot Package
Package containing simple scripts for plotting objects dustpy.Simulation
or data files.
Simple interactive plotting script for data files or simulation objects. |
Simple plotting script for data files or simulation objects. |
dustpy.std Package
Package containing standard functions that can be used in simulations.
dustpy.std.dust Module
Module containing standard functions for the dust.
Function calculates the dust diffusivity. |
Function calculates the advective flux at the cell interfaces. |
Function calculates the diffusive flux at the cell interfaces |
Function calculates the total mass fluxes through grid cell interfaces. |
Function calculates the dust scale height according Dubrulle et al. (1995). |
Function calculates the initial particle mass distribution. |
Function calculates the coagulation source terms. |
Function calculates the hydrodynamic source terms. |
Function calculates the total source terms. |
Function calculates the floor value for the dust distribution. |
Function calculates the derivative of the dust surface density. |
Function calculates the Stokes number using the Epstein and the Stokes I drag regimes. |
Function calculates the particle size from the solid density and the filling factor. |
Function sets the boundary condition of dust surface density. |
Function calculates the coagulation parameters needed for a simple sticking-erosion-fragmentation collision model. |
Function calculates the time step from the dust sources. |
Function returns the adaptive time step. |
Function enforces floor value onto dust surface density. |
Function returns the vertically integrated dust-to-gas ratio. |
Function finalizes integration step. |
Function finalizes implicit integration step. |
Function calculates the Jacobian for implicit dust integration. |
Function calculates the vertically integrated collision kernel. |
Function calculates the fragmentation probability. |
Function calculates the sticking probability. |
Function prepares implicit dust integration step. |
Function calculates the midplane mass density. |
Function calculates the fluxes at the boundaries after the implicit integration step. |
Function calculates the maximum drift velocity of the dust including back reaction of the gas onto the dust, if the back reaction coefficients are set. |
Function calculated the radial velocity of the dust. |
Function calculates the relative particle velocities due to azimuthal drift. |
Function calculates the relative particle velocities due to Brownian motion. |
Function calculates the relative particle velocities due to radial drift. |
Function calculates the total relative vparticle velocities by taking the root mean square of all individual sources. |
Function calculates the relative particle velocities due to turbulent motion. |
Function calculates the relative particle velocities due to vertical settling. |
Class for an integration |
Modified class for implicit dust integration. |
dustpy.std.gas Module
Module containing standard functions for the gas.
Function calculates the mass flux through the cell interfaces. |
Function calculates the pressure scale height. |
Function calculates the midplane gas pressure. |
Function calculates the hydrodynamic source terms. |
Function calculates the total source terms. |
Function calculates the temperature profile of a passively irridiated disk with a constant irradiation angle of 0.05. |
Function set the boundary conditions of the gas. |
Function calculates the isothermal sound speed of the gas. |
Function calculates the time step from the gas sources. |
Function enforces floor value to gas surface density. |
Function calculates the midplane pressure gradient parameter. |
Function finalizes gas integration step. |
Functions calculates the Jacobian for the gas. |
Function calculates the surface density according the self similar solution of Lynden-Bell & Pringle (1974). |
Function calculates the midplane mean free path. |
Function calculates the midplane number density of the gas. |
Function calculates the kinematic viscocity of the gas. |
Function prepares gas integration step. |
Function calculates the midplane mass density of the gas. |
Function calculates the fluxes at the boundaries after the implicit integration step. |
Function calculates the radial radial gas velocity. |
Function calculates the velocity contribution from a torque profile |
Function calculates the viscous radial gas velocity. |
Class for an integration |
Modified class for implicit gas integration. |
dustpy.std.grid Module
Module containing standard functions for the grids.
Function calculates the Keplerian frequency. |
dustpy.std.sim Module
Module containing standard functions for the main simulation object.
Function returns the timestep depending on the source terms. |
Function that returns the suggested adaptive timestep. |
This function is the finalization function that is called after every integration step. |
This function is the finalization function that is called after every integration step. |
This function is the preparation function that is called before every integration step. |
This function is the preparation function that is called before every integration step. | Module
Module containing standard functions for the central star.
Function calculates the luminosity of the star. |
dustpy.utils Package
Package containing utility classes and functions used in the simulation.
Function returns a SimpleNamespace with the most useful data that can be used for plotting or other purposes. |
Functions prints a warning to screen if a newer version of |
Class for managing boundary conditions for gas and dust. |
Class for SimpleNamespace that does not allow to add new attributes. |